Friday, December 3, 2010

The torch of chaos and doubt -- this is what the sage steers by.(Chuang Tzu)

Homage to all seekers!
A prayer for sesshin

Lord, have mercy, give me Doubt!
That my cup o’erfloweth with the fire of my own thirst
Until I am thoroughly drenched with my own torment
Bewildered but unlost
The ship the shout the step away
From One divided

Amidst the bedlam and confusion
Into the gap between exile and home
Pray I hear
The sound of silence
Sing the ocean’s silver starried hush
And be myself
The hallowed hum of OM


  1. "Bewildered but unlost..."

    Frightened of Ghosts
    I thirst for Nectar in the Phantom Cup
    Kind Teacher
    Light this Cave with a Dead-Eye Flash
    Let me drop all attempts to know and possess
    Let others have what I think I need
    This heart is one way

    I hear birds

  2. Thoroughly drenched,

    until I sleep,

    on stone sheltered with purple snow.

