Saturday, July 4, 2020

balancing truth and love

Truth without love has no decency; it's just brutality. On the other hand, love without truth has no character; it's just hypocrisy
~ John F. MacArthur
It's been one of those weeks! If I wasn't being confronted, I was the one doing the confronting; either getting hurt, or doing the hurting. 

I have yet to learn that, just because something's true, it doesn't mean I have to say it. Conversely, just because I love you, it doesn't mean I have to protect you from a painful truth. Truth and love, head and heart, need to be in balance! 

And I need to consider your head and heart as well; the state you are in to receive the truth I want to share (or withhold). 

Finally, there's the productive factor. I can offer a painful truth lovingly but, generally speaking, for it to be kind and constructive to you, it also needs to be something you (or I) can do something about. Otherwise, it's just a criticism. 

So much to consider before opening my mouth! 

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